CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com Mon, 08 Jul 2019 18:28:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.5 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-icono-32x32.png CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com 32 32 July 6th https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/july-6th/ Mon, 08 Jul 2019 18:28:06 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/july-6th/    

L'entrada July 6th ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.




L'entrada July 6th ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

The World Sports Games Tortosa 2019 is now in the homestretch https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/the-world-sports-games-tortosa-2019-is-now-in-the-homestretch/ Fri, 05 Jul 2019 22:51:07 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/the-world-sports-games-tortosa-2019-is-now-in-the-homestretch/ Penultimate day of competitions in these popular world games celebrated all over Terres de l’Ebre.  The day began early in the morning with basketball competitions in Ferreries Pavilion in Tortosa, where we could see female and male matches. Also at the same time, football matches continued at the Josep Otero Football Stadium, judo at the […]

L'entrada The World Sports Games Tortosa 2019 is now in the homestretch ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.


Penultimate day of competitions in these popular world games celebrated all over Terres de l’Ebre. 

The day began early in the morning with basketball competitions in Ferreries Pavilion in Tortosa, where we could see female and male matches.

Also at the same time, football matches continued at the Josep Otero Football Stadium, judo at the Firal Pavilion and swimmin in the WIN Complex Esportiu.

Minigolf has continued early in the afternoon at Teodor González Park.

The “fun handball” competitions has been on of the most followed matches in the city today, since mos of the participants are from local clubs.

In contrast, in the same city the competitions of chess, wrestling and petanques have already ended.


Amposta, the capital of Montsià has completed the athletics competitions.

In the city of Deltebre, the music has begun because of the pole dance performances, a sport that requires a lot of tècniques and at the same time a corporal and artístic expression.

The beach volleyball competitions have continued and the beach wrestiling competitions on the beach have started with a big crowd of supporters.

On the other hand, in La Devesa Stadium, he could see the minifootball matches have continued in both women’s and men’s categories. Next to the football field it took the mamanet final where a Israel team won.

Finally in l’Aldea started the final of artístic skating with lot of performances of skaters from Italia,

Egypt and San Marino. In Salou it took place the american football and in l’Ampolla, the Wheel gymnastics competitions will continue tomorrow.

Saturday morning will be the last day of these World Sports Games Tortosa 2019 and the majority of the sports will distribute their last medals to the winners of the competitions.

The only sport that has to debut and it will do it the last day is beach tennis in La Ràpita.

At the end of the day, it will be the Closing Ceremony of these popular world games that will take place at Teodor González Park in Tortosa.

L'entrada The World Sports Games Tortosa 2019 is now in the homestretch ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

July 4th https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/july-4th/ Fri, 05 Jul 2019 21:25:26 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/july-4th/        

L'entrada July 4th ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.






L'entrada July 4th ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

The World Sports Games Tortosa 2019 competitions’ have already begun https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/the-world-sports-games-tortosa-2019-competitions-have-already-begun/ Thu, 04 Jul 2019 07:16:16 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/the-world-sports-games-tortosa-2019-competitions-have-already-begun/ basketballThe activity started early in the morning in all venues of the territory. Tortosa hosted the competitions of swimming, in the Win Sports Complex, football in Josep Otero football field, pétanque in Teodor Park and wrestling in the Remolins Sports Center. In addition, the tennis competitions that already began yesterday have been reactivated today. La […]

L'entrada The World Sports Games Tortosa 2019 competitions’ have already begun ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.


The activity started early in the morning in all venues of the territory.

Tortosa hosted the competitions of swimming, in the Win Sports Complex, football in Josep Otero football field, pétanque in Teodor Park and wrestling in the Remolins Sports Center.


In addition, the tennis competitions that already began yesterday have been reactivated today.

La Ràpita, the coastal town of these games, hosted minifootball in La Devesa football field, mamanet in the Sports Center. Also at Garbí beach they could see they volleyball competitions. Roquetes started with volleyball and l’Ampolla has joined the dance sport to the wheel gymnastics competitions that started yesterday during the inaugural day.


The first medals of these World Sports Games have been delivered in the disciplines of swimming, athletics, and wrestling.





L'entrada The World Sports Games Tortosa 2019 competitions’ have already begun ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

Tortosa i les Terres de l’Ebre estan preparades per organitzar qualsevol esdeveniment d’abast mundial https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/tortosa-i-les-terres-de-lebre-estan-preparades-per-organitzar-qualsevol-esdeveniment-dabast-mundial/ Tue, 02 Jul 2019 16:25:13 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/tortosa-i-les-terres-de-lebre-estan-preparades-per-organitzar-qualsevol-esdeveniment-dabast-mundial/ Bruno Molea: “després dels WSG, Tortosa i les Terres de l’Ebre estan preparades per organitzar qualsevol esdeveniment d’abast mundial” La majoria de delegacions d’esportistes ja han arribat als seus allotjaments i ho acabaran de fer durant la tarda, per poder participar a la cerimònia inaugural. “Finalment, ja ha arribat el gran dia”. D’aquesta manera s’ha […]

L'entrada Tortosa i les Terres de l’Ebre estan preparades per organitzar qualsevol esdeveniment d’abast mundial ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.


Bruno Molea: “després dels WSG, Tortosa i les Terres de l’Ebre estan preparades per organitzar qualsevol esdeveniment d’abast mundial”

La majoria de delegacions d’esportistes ja han arribat als seus allotjaments i ho acabaran de fer durant la tarda, per poder participar a la cerimònia inaugural.

“Finalment, ja ha arribat el gran dia”. D’aquesta manera s’ha referit aquest migdia l’alcaldessa de Tortosa, Meritxell Roigé, del que representa per a Tortosa l’inici dels World Sports Games. Roigé ha remarcat la importància que aquest esdeveniment té per a la ciutat i per al territori, ja que el fet d’acollir més de 3.000 esportistes suposa una “oportunitat” per donar a conèixer l’Ebre més enllà de les fronteres de Catalunya.

De fet, des de diumenge a la tarda el degoteig d’arribades de les delegacions ha sigut constant i s’espera que aquest dimarts ja estiguen totes als seus allotjaments. Tant és així, que aquestes hores ja són clarament perceptibles els esportistes pels carrers i llocs més turístics, bé perquè duen penjada del coll l’acreditació o perquè van vestits amb els colors dels respectius països.

En una compareixença de premsa a la sala habilitada al Centre de Coordinació dels WSG, a Ferreries, el president de la UCEC, Jaume Domingo, ha agraït molt intensament el paper que estan desenvolupant els més de 400 voluntaris que faciliten totes les tasques logístiques dels jocs. Domingo ha remarcat que aquest esdeveniment a Tortosa serà “històric” i demostrarà la capacitat de la ciutat i del territori per organitzar actes d’aquesta envergadura. En aquest mateix sentit també s’ha expressat el president del comitè organitzador (CSIT), Bruno Molea, que ha assenyalat que “després dels World Sports Games, Tortosa ja està preparada per organitzar qualsevol altre esdeveniment d’abst mundial”.

La sexta edició dels WSG arrancarà oficialment aquest vespre, amb la cerimònia inaugural. Recordem que a partir de les 20 h els més de 3.000 esportistes de les 51 delegacions participants recorreran el centre de la ciutat des del parc Teodor Gonzalez fins a l’estadi. Això comportarà un dispositiu especial de trànsit, que obligarà a tallar diversos carrers durant el recorregut. A les 21.15, al camp de futbol Josep Otero començarà la cerimònia amb la desfilada de totes les delegacions i elements representatius de la cultura ebrenca. L’accés és lliure fins a completar l’aforament.

Paral·lelament, ja han començat les competicions: avui mateix ja s’estan disputant eliminatòries de tennis, al Club Tennis Tortosa, i a l’Ampolla també s’ha posat en marxa el wheel gymnastics.

L'entrada Tortosa i les Terres de l’Ebre estan preparades per organitzar qualsevol esdeveniment d’abast mundial ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

Where to eat in La Rapita https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/where-to-eat-in-la-rapita/ Mon, 01 Jul 2019 11:21:34 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/where-to-eat-in-la-rapita/

L'entrada Where to eat in La Rapita ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.


L'entrada Where to eat in La Rapita ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

Where to sleep in La Rapita https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/where-to-sleep-in-la-rapita/ Mon, 01 Jul 2019 10:24:33 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/where-to-sleep-in-la-rapita/

L'entrada Where to sleep in La Rapita ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.


L'entrada Where to sleep in La Rapita ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

ACCREDITATION BADGE & WSG 2019-APP https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/accreditation-badge-wsg-2019-app/ Tue, 25 Jun 2019 11:17:43 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/accreditation-badge-wsg-2019-app/ As you will know due to logistic and security reasons, every participant of the CSIT World Sports Games must be registered via the WSG online registration platform. This register will give you access to two unique instruments: 1. the “Personal WSG2019 Pass” (Accreditation Badge) It will allow you: • enter facilities and dedicated areas, • […]

L'entrada ACCREDITATION BADGE & WSG 2019-APP ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

As you will know due to logistic and security reasons, every participant of the CSIT World Sports Games must be registered via the WSG online registration platform.
This register will give you access to two unique instruments:

1. the “Personal WSG2019 Pass” (Accreditation Badge)

It will allow you:
• enter facilities and dedicated areas,
• attend events and special/side events,
• be recognized during the competitions and sport demonstrations,
• gather relevant information about the events (competitions results, timetable) and
the physical areas (maps, agenda).

How to get my accreditation badge?

For subscribers of categories A or B, you will find your accreditation at the hotel. If you do not have a photograph, you can come to the accreditation center (Plaça de Joan Monclús, 1, 43500 Tortosa).

For subscribers of category C “ONLY REGISTRATION FEE”, you will need to move to the accreditation point (Plaça de Joan Monclús, 1, 43500 Tortosa). Bring your voucher with you to be able to go on regular transport while you do not have the accreditation.
2. the WSG2019 APP.

Due to security reasons it is very important that each federation gives its participants the personal voucher, so that they can log in on the mobile app and ADD PERSONAL
PHOTOS, which will then be used to print the badge, taking it directly with the mobile
Each personal accreditation badge will contain a QR-Code (abbreviation of Quick
Response Code) which will give the opportunity to “authenticate” each participant by a
simple smart-phone (or something similar, as a tablet) and provide her/him several
specifically customized services.
Each participant as well will have the opportunity to download an APP, login with personal username and password.

It will allow you:
• check their competition results,
• check general results and ranking,
• check the timetable of their competitions,
• verify the location of the competition areas, using the events map.
Some other features envisaged specifically for referees and officials are:
• upload the competitions results,
• upload the technical competitions account,
• check the athletes’ identification and profile,
• check the program and the timetable of the assigned competitions,
• check the Technical Commissions meeting program and timetable.

L'entrada ACCREDITATION BADGE & WSG 2019-APP ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

CULTURAL PROGRAM https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/cultural-program/ Tue, 25 Jun 2019 11:09:04 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/cultural-program/ One of the important aspects of the Games is to offer an enriching cultural program that favours the exchange between athletes and also with the local population. That is why several events, festivals and cultural events have been prepared: XXVI MOSTRA JAZZ TORTOSA The XXVI Mostra Jazz Tortosa and its coincidence with the celebration dates […]

L'entrada CULTURAL PROGRAM ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.


One of the important aspects of the Games is to offer an enriching cultural program that favours the exchange between athletes and also with the local population.
That is why several events, festivals and cultural events have been prepared:


The XXVI Mostra Jazz Tortosa and its coincidence with the celebration dates of the World Sport Games in the city of Tortosa, has made the final design of the program in two lines.

A line that is a continuation of the last editions of the show, concerts in streets, squares and restaurants of the city of Tortosa, combined with internationally renowned concerts at the Felip Pedrell Theater Auditorium. The second line adding, concerts and performances of bigger format in spaces as emblematic as the Teodoro González Municipal Park and the City Hall Square, increasing a musical offer that takes into account the number of visitors planned to be in Tortosa in the dates of the XXVI Mostra Jazz Tortosa.


Thursday, July 4, 9:00 p.m.
Place: Municipal Park. Concert organized by World Sport Games

From 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Days: 3rd ,4th ,5th, and 6th July


The hosting union UCEC finds in the organization of the WSG 2019 a historical nexus with the old COMMITTEE FOR POPULAR SPORTS and the Barcelona popular 1936 Olympics that were not reached for the outbreak of the civil war.
It is for this reason that an act commemorating the entities that had to participate in these Olympics has been organized. You should know that some of this entities stayed to fight the war; entities that still exist today and they participate in the WSG. This act is only with an invitation.
A temporary exhibition about 1936 popular Olympics (English and French languages), will be located during the games in the Patronat building

Also, think that you are in a good tourist destination. We encourage you to integrate into the local culture, enjoying the street and all the terraces of the bars that open until dawn. And those who want to go to sleep later, will find a party until the sun goes down.

L'entrada CULTURAL PROGRAM ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

VOLUNTEERS / STAFF https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/volunteers-staff/ Tue, 25 Jun 2019 11:05:53 +0000 https://2019.csit-world-sports-games.com/volunteers-staff/ Right now there are 400 volunteers who will be at your disposal during the WSG. We have distinguished the volunteers in two profiles. The hotel volunteer. You will find it there at the most relevant moments, during your arrival, the departure, in the morning to indicate the transport … The sports volunteer. Their work is […]

L'entrada VOLUNTEERS / STAFF ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.

Right now there are 400 volunteers who will be at your disposal during the WSG.

We have distinguished the volunteers in two profiles.

The hotel volunteer. You will find it there at the most relevant moments, during your arrival, the departure, in the morning to indicate the transport …

The sports volunteer. Their work is to assist the people in charge of each equipment and make easy the competition.

You can identify them for the following clothes and the following credentials:

You will also see throughout the Games, the Staff of the WSG. The professionals destined to the organization of the event. Unlike volunteers their clothes are white, and their identification is different:

L'entrada VOLUNTEERS / STAFF ha aparegut primer a CSIT World Sports Games Tortosa 2019.
